Enterprises under the leadership of the district come to our company to offer condolences at high temperature
Release date:2018年10月13日    Browse times:549

On the morning of August 6, Sun Jianhua, Secretary of the District Committee, Xie Lixin, Director of the District People's Congress, Standing Committee of the District Committee, Zhang Shunrong, Director of Public Security, Xu Xiang, Vice-District Director, accompanied the leaders of the departments, the District Development and Reform Bureau, the District Public Security Branch Bureau, the District Trade Union and the town leaders to the Hongfeng Machinery Foundry Workshop to offer high-temperature condolences to the front-line workers, and listened to General Huang's arrangement for the work in the hot season. The adjustment of the working hours of front-line employees, the concern and love of employees do very well, Secretary Sun and other leaders listened very satisfied.